Hello! Welcome to Star Trek On-line!

This page has information on how to get started here at Star Trek On-line (STO). If you have any questions please e-mail me Admiral Whitten or Admiral McFly or Admiral Ihsan or one of the other managers. Enjoy this section of the site!

To start:

Choose a Race:

Looking at the race pages that there are in STO, you must choose a Race to be a part of. When you find a race you wish to be in, email the leader of that race. You can tell him a favorite ship you have, but you may not get it as sometimes names are allready taken or sometimes your request might be just too weird. When the race leader gets your email they will assgin you a position in there forces. In your email do state wheter you want to be in a Marine or Starship unit. also list the star trek computer games you own and your hobbies and background etc.

What's my rank?

In the New STO, New members will start out as LT and grow the longer they stay or by their accomplishments.

The Site:

The site is fillied with starbases, these starbases are your home pending on which race you are in. There are chat rooms, forums etc their. Fleets call the bases home. Your fleet's is your home, keep it clean and treat it with respect.

Role Playing (simming):

In the new STO, we have a system of RP/Sim that actually calculates damage hits etc. It is loosely based off of the Star Fleet Battles System. These games will be monitored, and they will be a lot of fun! More on this new system comeing soon.

So that is how to use Startrek On-line. Again, any questions e-mail me Admiral Whitten or Admiral McFly or Admiral Ihsan or any other manager. So have fun and I hope you enjoy your stay with us here at Star Trek On-line!